LLM Privacy Vault

Leverage the full power of LLMs, such as GPT, while maintaining privacy and security.
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Keep Sensitive Data Out of LLMs
Identify and redact sensitive data and intellectual property during data collection, model training, fine-tuning, and inference.
Maintain Data Security and Privacy
Establish a secure environment for sensitive data, protecting it from unauthorized access, breaches, and data leaks.
Control Access to Sensitive Data
Fine-grained access controls limit sensitive data exposure in model responses to authorized users.
Ease the Burden of Compliance
Leverage AI while complying with data residency requirements, such as GDPR, LGPD, and others.

End-to-End Data Privacy and Security for LLMs

Privacy for Any LLM

Use any LLM, a public model, fine-tuned foundation model, or your own custom model without compromising privacy.
Preserve Privacy During Training
Detect and de-identify sensitive data during data collection and processing, whether from a single source or multiple sources. Safely train and fine-tune LLMs in regulated industries.
Maintain Privacy During Inference
Sensitive data is de-identified, stored securely, and re-identified for authorized users, protecting data privacy throughout inference.
Keep IP Safe from LLMs
Skyflow LLM Privacy Vault includes a sensitive data dictionary, allowing you to define and exclude what you consider sensitive.

Simplify Data Residency and Compliance

Skyflow, available in over 100 countries, helps businesses meet data residency requirements. Sensitive data is securely isolated and governed in vaults located in your chosen region, easing compliance efforts and providing a sensitive data audit trail. Simplify data retention policies by automatically deleting sensitive data when it's no longer needed.

Isolate. Protect. Govern.

Skyflow is a data privacy vault company built to radically simplify how companies isolate, protect and govern their customers’ most sensitive data. Skyflow helps companies meet complex data localization requirements with its global network of data privacy vaults. Skyflow customers span verticals like fintech, retail, travel, and healthcare.
Data Residency
Data Governance
Encryption and Tokenization
Data Security
Secure Data Sharing

"Companies are eager to adopt ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms but they need to solve for privacy and regulatory compliance. Like we laid out in our seminal paper on the future of privacy engineering, data privacy vault architecture is a right way to go about this."

Joseph Williams, Global Partner in Cybersecurity and Privacy at Infosys

Skyflow for LLMs

Benefit from innovation in a fast-growing industry without losing sleep over sensitive data exposure, compliance, or diverting engineering talent away from your core product.

Top Challenges in LLM Privacy

Unauthorized Access to Sensitive Data and IP

LLMs need limits around access to sensitive data collected during training and prompts.

PII Exposure to
3rd-Party Model

Businesses want to benefit from 3rd-party models without
exposing PII.

Compliance and Governance

Staying compliant and in control of data amid growing, nuanced standards around PII is critical.

How Skyflow Helps

Adopt best-in-class models or build your own while protecting sensitive data to safely improve internal business productivity, external customer experience, and more.

Easily De-identify and Re-identify

Detect and redact sensitive data and intellectual property automatically during data collection, model training, fine-tuning, RAG, and inference. Easily re-identify the data for use.

Govern Access to Sensitive Data

Protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, breaches, and data leaks with fine-grained access controls around who gets access to which data and for how long.  

Radically Simplify Compliance

Adopt up-and-coming models quickly while complying with data residency requirements, such as GDPR, the EU AI Act, DPDP, and others.

Keep Compute Costs Low

Benefit from advances in public LLMs safely and avoid building or training your own model, which requires vast computational power and engineering hours.

Skyflow in Action

Skyflow protects your most sensitive customer PII. Run secure workflows and execute custom code to extract, protect, and process sensitive data in structured and unstructured formats. Automatically de-identify sensitive data and re-identify it when a specific person needs access.

Secure PII Throughout the LLM Lifecycle

Skyflow helps you secure PII during the end-to-end LLM lifecycle, including training, fine tuning, RAG, data re-identification, and sharing data with third parties and outside models.

Isolate. Protect. Govern.

Skyflow is a data privacy vault built to radically simplify how companies isolate, protect and govern their most sensitive data. Skyflow customers span verticals like fintech, retail, travel, and healthcare and use the data privacy vault architecture to comply with data residency laws, keep sensitive data out of LLMs, govern access to PII, and more.

  • Data Residency
  • Compliance
  • Data Governance
  • Tokenization and Polymorphic Encryption
  • Data Security
  • Secure Data Sharing
  • API-first
"Companies are eager to adopt ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms but they need to solve for privacy and regulatory compliance. Like we laid out in our seminal paper on the future of privacy engineering, data privacy vault architecture is a right way to go about this."

Joseph Williams

Global Partner in Cybersecurity and Privacy,Infosys
"We were able to successfully deploy Skyflow in less than three weeks with the zero-trust vault architecture, and our total cost of ownership decreased by 67%."

Nitin Shingate

CTO, GoodRx
“We were up and running on Skyflow in just hours, rather than the months it would take to build and implement even a fraction of this data privacy rigor.”

Boe Hartman

CTO, Nomi Health and former CTO, Goldman Sachs
“It would take 3 engineers at least 6-12 months to build the basics of this solution internally, and 2 engineers to maintain it. Beyond hiring and talent costs, we’d also need to bring on consultants to advise on compliance requirements. At the end of the day, building in house would have drastically slowed our time to market. Skyflow made everything easy.”

Johnny Mitrevski

CTO, Scalapay

LLM Best Practices from Experts

AI, LLM & Privacy
March 5, 2024

Private LLMs: Data Protection Potential and Limitations

Private LLMs are trending as a solution for AI privacy concerns, yet they may not fully safeguard our data as hoped. Discover their data protection promise and the limits in this article.

November 2, 2023

Retrieval Augmented Generation: Keeping LLMs Relevant and Current

Learn how Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) can fill contextual knowledge gaps for Large Language Models (LLMs) to increase their usefulness.

April 18, 2024

How to Protect, Secure, and Use Unstructured Data

Unstructured data, which makes up approximately 80 to 90% of all data, has remained largely untapped due to lack of proper tooling. With the introduction of data lakes and lakehouses in the past decade, and more recently LLMs, organizations have begun unlocking the potential of this data.