Cookie Policy

Updated Oct 18, 2024

We use cookies within our online services (such as websites, browser-based applications, or apps) as well as other technologies that gather information that helps us improve these services and your online experience. Some of the cookies or other technologies used require your explicit consent. We ask that you consent to the use of cookies so that you can fully enjoy all the features provided by our online services. We provide this notice to you to comply with our legal obligation to let you know what cookies we use when you use our online services and how we protect your privacy.

We refer to “cookies” for all technologies, including text file-based (“classical”) cookies, web beacons, pixels, as well as script trackers and other programmatic client-side technologies that can capture user information, explain its purpose, extent of use, and opportunities to manage and control the behaviour of these technologies. For the sake of consistency, all of these methods will collectively be referred to as "cookies" unless explicitly differentiated between individual methods. The Cookie Policy applies to our online services under the domain of “” which can be accessed via the web address “”. The Cookie Policy can be accessed, saved and printed on our website at any time.

By using our online services, you agree that we may use cookies in accordance with this Policy. For more information about our use of your information, see our Privacy Policy.

What Are Cookies

Cookies and other technologies are used to enable certain features within online services, such as the recognition of a user, to save preferences of a user, user-unique transactions or transaction-related data, and for additional security when a user logs in to his user account. Furthermore, cookies are used to collect information about the use of an online service and improve its use and make it more efficient. These technologies are also used by almost all online services – which may also be offered by third parties – to detect whether the online service has already been called up with the same device and browser in order to adapt and, in some cases, vary the content displayed.

Cookies and other technologies can be set and used by Skyflow, but also by third parties who are not part of Skyflow, but whose content is integrated within our online service. This includes content such as videos, online-based applications, or analytical tools that help us to improve this online service, as well as content that is user-enabled, such as clicks on "share" buttons with content from social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. For third-party cookies, this Policy applies equally. Whether a cookie comes from a first-party vendor or a third-party vendor depends on the domain that places the cookie. First-party cookies are cookies placed by the online service that the user visits. Third-party cookies are cookies placed by a domain other than the domain of the online service that the user visits. Third-party providers place their cookies in the online service of the first-party provider, as long as they provide technologies that the first-party provider uses or provides to its users within its online service. Skyflow has agreed on Commissioned Data Processing Agreements or comparable agreements according to Art. 28 (3) GDPR with these third-party providers.

Cookies can only be read from the online service from which the cookie originated. Cookies do not collect personal information stored on your device. Cookies are just the key to connecting to personal information, if it has been collected at all.

  • Persistent cookies are stored for a period of time specified in the cookie on the device that uses our online services. These cookies are created the first time you visit our online service, unless your browser-side settings prevent this, and reactivate each time you visit, provided that your visit is made with a device that already has a cookie.
  • Session cookies allow online services to track and correlate a user's actions during a browser session. A browser session starts when the browser opens and ends when the browser is closed. Session cookies are deleted when the browser is closed.
  • Web beacons and pixels are files that are included in an online service and that are requested by the accessing user's browser. They enable log file recording and log file analysis, which can be used for statistical evaluations. In this case, information such as the IP address, the browser used or the operating system of the accessing system can be transmitted (so-called “HTTP header fields”).
  • Script trackers and other client-side programmatic technologies are small JavaScript-based programs, or programmatic content based on other technologies, which can provide functions that allow the recognition of a browser. You do not have to enter any data on the accessing device. These technologies are only used if they are supported and activated by the accessing user's browser.

Which cookies do we use?

Depending on their function and intended purpose, cookies can be divided into five categories: necessary cookies, analytical cookies, functional cookies, targeting cookies and flash cookies. Please refer to the following list for the different types of cookies we can use within our online services.

Necessary Cookies allow navigation within our online service and the provision of essential functions that would not work without the use of cookies, or that we could not service in the current form without usage restrictions. This includes the provision of secure areas within our services that can contain personal user information or enable payment activities. These secure areas are provided to protect our users' data only after successful user authentication. With the help of necessary cookies – as one of several methods used at the same time – it is also ensured that the user requesting sensitive information has successfully authenticated himself in order to prevent misuse of the information stored by us otherwise. In addition, settings such as language, location, as well as presentation-optimizing information such as screen resolution or buffer size can be stored. Necessary cookies are not used for advertising purposes nor do they serve to collect behavioural information about the users of our online services. To use our online service, it is necessary that you accept necessary cookies. Unless you accept necessary cookies, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to take full advantage of our online services and that security can be guaranteed during your visit.

Functional Cookies: We use functional cookies to save users' decisions that affect the behaviour of our online services. With the help of functional cookies, we can service personalized functions, such as content tailored to individual user needs. For example, we can reactivate your last-used search filters or see if we've already alerted you to services. Additional information may be kept on our systems and linked to functional cookies. These features help us tailor our online services to your individual needs and enhance your user experience. For the best use of our online services, it is therefore necessary that you accept these types of cookies. Unless you accept functional cookies, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to take full advantage of our online services. Functional cookies can also be managed by third parties. Information on the protection of personal data for these cookies can be found on the websites of these third parties, which are listed below.

Analytical Cookies: Analytical cookies are used to collect information about the use of our online services. These types of cookies help us to further improve our online services, inform us about our users' behaviour and help us to identify and eliminate any difficulties or errors in using our online services. It also allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of our advertising efforts and improve the quality of advertising that our users see. These cookies are not associated with information that identifies individual users. Analytical cookies can also be managed by third parties. Information on the protection of personal data for these cookies can be found on the websites of the third parties mentioned below.

Targeting Cookies: We, or our designated service providers, may use targeting cookies to help you show more relevant content such as product information that is aligned with your interests. In addition, they help us to improve the efficiency of our advertising campaigns. For example, we can use targeting cookies to limit or recognize the number of ads you see if you have responded to ads from us. These cookies can be used to recognize individual users and to record which information was particularly relevant to you within our online services. This information may be disclosed by us to any advertiser we engage and may be linked to information from other sources of personal information. This includes data collected about you using other online services. These cookies may also include controls regarding your advertising preferences as well as your personal preferences regarding the collection of personal data by third parties. This means that these cookies maybe used to ensure that you will no longer receive advertising that has been tailored to your needs based on the information collected about you. Please note that you must adjust your settings on each device and for each browser with which you use our services. Even if such cookies are not used, you may receive advertisements from us. Ads are shown to users in certain target group-specific environments on the Internet, which is similar to television advertising. For example, if you are looking at a travel programme, you will likely see more commercials related to travel topics during commercial breaks. If third party targeting cookies are managed, you will find personal information protection information for those cookies on the third-party websites listed below.

Flash Cookies: Sometimes Flash cookies are used when embedding the Adobe Flash plug-in. These may store user settings and shared local resource information on the accessing terminal for the particular content being played. Flash cookies may not be managed in the browser, but via other interfaces, but this depends on the device used. See the Adobe website for more information on how to manage, disable, or delete Flash cookies. Please note that after deactivating Flash cookies you may be unable to use certain features of our online services. Flash cookies can be locked in the settings for Adobe Flash Player and sometimes directly in your browser, depending on whether the browser software you use provides this function. Further information can be found here:

How do I manage cookies?

We use cookies for a variety of reasons detailed above. Unfortunately in most cases there are no industry standard options for disabling cookies without completely disabling the functionality and features they add to this site. Please keep in mind that not all functions of our online service may be available if you block, delete or deactivate cookies.

Insofar as the consent of the user is required for the use of certain cookies, we only use these cookies when you use the online service if you have previously given your consent. When you use our online service, we will include a so-called "cookie banner", in which you can confirm your consent to the use of cookies within this online service by clicking on a button. By clicking on the button provided, you enter into the use of all cookies mentioned in this Cookie Policy. Your consent is also store in the form of a cookie ("opt-in cookie") on your device to determine when you use the online service again, whether you have already given consent. The opt-in cookie has a limited validity period of 12 months.

You can manage, deactivate and delete cookies in your browser, but also permanently prevent the acceptance of cookies. To do this, you must enable the browser function, which prevents the storage of cookies, and/or browse in Privacy Mode, depending on the browser which you use. To manage cookies, most browsers allow you to accept or reject all cookies or accept only certain types of cookies. More information on how to manage, deactivate and delete cookies can be found in the help function of your browser.

For more general information on cookies see the Wikipedia article on HTTP Cookies...

Closing remarks

This Cookie Policy may change from time to time, for example in the event of a change in the law or technical changes to our online service. For these reasons, we reserve the right to change the Cookie Policy at any time without notice and to use other cookies. The amended Cookie Policy will apply from the date of its publication and is always available within our online service in its current form. Unless you agree with the revised Policy, you may have to stop using our online services. By continuing to use our online services after the changes to the Policy have become effective, you agree to the revised Cookie Policy. If you have any further questions regarding the use of cookies within our online service, you can contact our Data Protection Officer via