August 28, 2024

The Evolution of Certificate Management with Anchor Security's Ben Burkert

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In this episode, Sean sits down with Ben Burkert, Co-founder and CTO of Anchor, to dive into the world of certificate management and internal TLS. We explore how certificates and TLS function, the inherent difficulties in managing internal TLS certificates, and why nearly every engineer has a horror story related to it. Ben also shares insights into how Anchor is addressing these challenges and making internal TLS certificate management simpler and more reliable.

Key Topics:
Understanding Certificates and TLS:
Basics of how certificates and TLS work.
The role of TLS in securing internal communications.

The Challenges of Internal TLS Certificate Management:
Why managing internal TLS certificates is so difficult.
Common pitfalls and challenges engineers face.

Engineer Horror Stories:
Real-world examples of certificate management gone wrong.
The impact of these failures on teams and organizations.

How Anchor is Fixing the Problem:
Anchor’s approach to simplifying internal TLS certificate management.
Key features and benefits of Anchor’s solution.

If you've ever struggled with internal TLS certificates or are looking for a way to avoid the pain altogether, Ben’s expertise provides a clear path to overcoming the challenges of certificate management with a modern, reliable approach.


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