September 20, 2023

Data Protection 101: Redaction, Masking, Encryption, and More with Skyflow’s Ram Muthukrishnan

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In this episode, Ram Muthukrishnan, Senior Product Manager at Skyflow, joins the show to delve into the fundamental aspects of data protection.

Ram demystified key concepts like redaction, masking, and encryption, shedding light on their significance in the world of data protection. Ram walked us through the practical applications of these techniques and their role in ensuring data privacy and security in today's digital landscape.


  • Why is it important to protect sensitive customer data?
  • What are the key differences between redaction, masking, encryption, and tokenization as data protection techniques?
  • How does data redaction work, and in what scenarios is it typically used?
  • What’s it mean to mask data and what are the different approaches?
  • Can you break down the basics of encryption for our listeners?
  • What are the primary differences between symmetric and asymmetric encryption, and when should each be used
  • Tokenization is often associated with payment data. Could you explain how tokenization replaces sensitive data with tokens and its advantages?
  • When does it make sense to use tokenization versus something like encryption? What advantages or disadvantages are there to tokenization?
  • Access control is a critical aspect of data protection. How does it work, and what are some best practices for implementing effective access control measures?
  • How can organizations balance the need for data security with the requirement for data accessibility by authorized personnel?
  • Are there any common misconceptions or challenges when it comes to implementing these data protection techniques?
  • What are some emerging trends or technologies in the field of data protection that we should be aware of?


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